Website 101: Don’t Put Social Media Links in Your Header!

You’d be surprised how often our clients ask to have social media links in the header of their website. There’s just something about those cute little icons that make even the most seasoned marketing folks swoon. But here’s the thing; having your social media links on your website menu bar might is not as beneficial …

Website 101: Don’t Put Social Media Links in Your Header! Read More »

Desk with cup of coffee and iPad with Content Strategy flowchart - title at bottom reads "Content: Does Anybody Actually See It?"

Content: Does Anybody Actually See It? 

Content: Does Anybody Actually See It?  Every content creator eventually asks, “Does anybody actually see the content I create? And does it even matter?”  The heartbeat of your business’s online presence is its content. This post aims to empower you, showing that your voice can indeed be heard and if harnessed effectively, can make a …

Content: Does Anybody Actually See It?  Read More »

Client Personas: Your Marketing SuperPower

Client Personas: Your Marketing SuperPower Marketing to your ideal client is essential to any business strategy, and understanding who that ideal client is can be an extensive process. However, it all starts with creating a clear, specific client persona. A client persona is a fictional character that represents your target customer. It’s an essential tool …

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Reputation Management: The Importance of Yelp! Reviews

Reputation Management: The Importance of Yelp! Reviews Most of our clients work hard to get positive Google reviews. It’s a good strategy, as Google reviews appear prominently in search engine results and can significantly influence a customer’s decision to do business with you. The Google ecosystem is woven into our everyday lives, with 4.3 billion …

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Marketing as a Managed Service: Unlocking the Potential of Outsourced Expertise

Businesses are constantly seeking ways to stay ahead and maintain their competitive edge. One area that has seen significant growth is the outsourcing of marketing functions. Marketing as a managed service, sometimes referred to as “Marketing as a Service (MaaS),” allows businesses to tap into the expertise of a third-party provider for their marketing needs. …

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SEO Tips: The Pros and Cons of Multi-Part Blogs

Blogging is a vital component of any content marketing strategy. Not only can it increase brand awareness and engage readers, but it can also boost your search engine rankings. However, with so much content being produced and published every day, it can be challenging to stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression …

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man thinking while looking at laptop (with graphics)

Search Behavior: Think Like Your Customers

As a business owner, it’s crucial to understand how your customers search for your products and services so that you can optimize your website and marketing strategy. Knowing your customers’ search behavior is the key to increasing your online visibility and driving more traffic to your site. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of …

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Stay Focused on Your Target Market: 5 Steps to Success

Whether you’re a Marketing Director for an established company or just starting a side hustle, understanding your target market is critical for success. This blog provides an overview of the importance of staying focused on your target market and how to do it. Use this information as a guide for making decisions about your brand …

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